miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

WEB QUEST of cell organelles

  1. A WebQuest about cell organelles and structures

    q Introduction
    Every Organism is composed of one or more cells, and these cells are the basic unit of organization in all living things. All the processes of metabolism and heredity occur within these same cells.

    In this web quest you will learn about the different structures that conform the eukaryotic cell structures and their functions within the cell.

    q The Task
    In this WebQuest you will fin a list of questions that you need to answer correctly. For each question you will find an specific Internet address that you will have to visit to find out the proper information.

    q Process
    Instructions: Answer the following questions by going to the specific Internet address that is given in each one:

1. How does the structure of the phospholipid bilayer permits the cell to be selective?

2. How is chromatin different than chromosomes?

3. Compare the function of the nucleus of the cell with the one of the nucleolus and ribosomes.

4. What is the difference between the vacuoles of the plant cell to those present in the animal cell?

5. Compare and contrast the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum to the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum in structure and in function.

6. Describe the organelles in charged of the transformation of energy in the eukaryotic cell.

7. What is the function of the cytoskeleton?

8. What is the cell wall of the plant cell made of? (carbohydrates, protein, or lipids)?

9. Describe all functions of the following structures:
* Cilia
* Flagella

q Evaluation
You will be graded as follows: (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely…………………………….20 points
Ø Quality of writing…………………………………………….....20 points
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise
and clear matter.…………………………………………...........20 points
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info……………………20 points
Ø Completeness………………………………………………........20 points
TOTAL of….........................................................100 points

q Conclusion
By now you should be able to understand the basic function of each of the cell’s organelles. Each one of this structures has a specific function, but also all of them work together to ensure that the cell can maintain suitable conditions for its survival, or in other words… complete its function and maintain homeostasis! I hope that you found this WebQuest activity useful to expand and reinforce your knowledge of how life works!

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