sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008

Mitosis and Meiosis Web Quest

Mitosis and Meiosis Web Quest
Every living thing reproduces, this means that has the ability to produce more living things. In this web quest you will learn and review the processes in which the cell is able to reproduce itself either for sexual or asexual types of reproduction.

The task:
In this Web Quest you will fin a list of questions that you need to answer correctly. For each question you will find an specific Internet address that you will have to visit to find out the proper information. Send your answer sheet (create a WORD document) to the address vanevet77@hotmail.com (send it to yourself also for backup)

Instructions: Answer the following questions by going to the specific Internet address below each of the questions.

You will be graded as follows (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely: Student followed all directions given by the teacher at the beginning of the class. (20 points)
Ø Quality of writing: There is a thesis that summarizes upcoming content. Grabs the reader’s attention uses proper vocabulary terms for the science content, correct punctuation and grammar (20 points)
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise and clear matter (20 points)
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info: uses the specific address that is published and if not cites the author or source (20 points)
Ø Completeness: The work is finished completely at the end of the 45 minute period class. If not, it will be graded according to how many questions are answered of the total (20 points)
TOTAL. 100 points

1. List the major differences between mitosis and meiosis, and how does this relates with sexual and asexual types of reproduction?

2. According to the animated diagram shown in the link, what is the difference between the outcome and result in mitosis and in meiosis?

3. Give the definition for haploid cell.

4. Give the definition for diploid cell.

5. How are haploid cells and diploid cells related to mitosis and meiosis?

6. List and explain the phases of mitosis.

7. List and explain the phases of meiosis.

8. What is the result of a mistake in the mitosis process?

9. What is the result of mistakes in the meiosis process?

10. Answer the following:
a. How is cancer classified?
b. List some cancer symptoms and the cancer stages.
c. In what ways may cancer be treated and prevented?

11. Answer the following:
a. Define nondisjunction.
b. Describe the term momosomy, its cause and some syndromes and patient manifestations.
c. Describe the term trisomy, its cause and some patient manifestations.
d. Define the term polyploidy and some of its characteristics.

You will be graded as follows: (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely……………………………20 points
Ø Quality of writing……………………………………………20 points
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise and clear matter.20 points
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info……………………20 points
Ø Completeness………………………………………………20 points
TOTAL of…100 points

By now you should now the Difference between the processes of mitosis and meiosis and how they are involved in the two types of cell’s reproduction (sexual and asexual. These processes also may go through mistakes caused by various factors, when there is a mistake in mitosis the result is cancer, and mistakes in meiosis are collectivly called nondisjunction.

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