martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Evaluation for WEB QUEST Activities

You will be graded as follows (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely: Student followed all directions given by the teacher at the beginning of the class. (20 points)
Ø Quality of writing: There is a thesis that summarizes upcoming content. Grabs the reader’s attention uses proper vocabulary terms for the science content, correct punctuation and grammar (20 points)
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise and clear matter (20 points)
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info: uses the specific address that is published and if not cites the author or source (20 points)
Ø Completeness: The work is finished completely at the end of the 45 minute period class. If not, it will be graded according to how many questions are answered of the total (20 points)
TOTAL. 100 points

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008

Mitosis and Meiosis Web Quest

Mitosis and Meiosis Web Quest
Every living thing reproduces, this means that has the ability to produce more living things. In this web quest you will learn and review the processes in which the cell is able to reproduce itself either for sexual or asexual types of reproduction.

The task:
In this Web Quest you will fin a list of questions that you need to answer correctly. For each question you will find an specific Internet address that you will have to visit to find out the proper information. Send your answer sheet (create a WORD document) to the address (send it to yourself also for backup)

Instructions: Answer the following questions by going to the specific Internet address below each of the questions.

You will be graded as follows (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely: Student followed all directions given by the teacher at the beginning of the class. (20 points)
Ø Quality of writing: There is a thesis that summarizes upcoming content. Grabs the reader’s attention uses proper vocabulary terms for the science content, correct punctuation and grammar (20 points)
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise and clear matter (20 points)
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info: uses the specific address that is published and if not cites the author or source (20 points)
Ø Completeness: The work is finished completely at the end of the 45 minute period class. If not, it will be graded according to how many questions are answered of the total (20 points)
TOTAL. 100 points

1. List the major differences between mitosis and meiosis, and how does this relates with sexual and asexual types of reproduction?

2. According to the animated diagram shown in the link, what is the difference between the outcome and result in mitosis and in meiosis?

3. Give the definition for haploid cell.

4. Give the definition for diploid cell.

5. How are haploid cells and diploid cells related to mitosis and meiosis?

6. List and explain the phases of mitosis.

7. List and explain the phases of meiosis.

8. What is the result of a mistake in the mitosis process?

9. What is the result of mistakes in the meiosis process?

10. Answer the following:
a. How is cancer classified?
b. List some cancer symptoms and the cancer stages.
c. In what ways may cancer be treated and prevented?

11. Answer the following:
a. Define nondisjunction.
b. Describe the term momosomy, its cause and some syndromes and patient manifestations.
c. Describe the term trisomy, its cause and some patient manifestations.
d. Define the term polyploidy and some of its characteristics.

You will be graded as follows: (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely……………………………20 points
Ø Quality of writing……………………………………………20 points
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise and clear matter.20 points
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info……………………20 points
Ø Completeness………………………………………………20 points
TOTAL of…100 points

By now you should now the Difference between the processes of mitosis and meiosis and how they are involved in the two types of cell’s reproduction (sexual and asexual. These processes also may go through mistakes caused by various factors, when there is a mistake in mitosis the result is cancer, and mistakes in meiosis are collectivly called nondisjunction.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

Energy on a Cell WebQuest

Energy on a cell web quest

  1. Introduction:

Every living thing requires energy to live. In this web quest you will learn and review the processes in which the animal and the plant cell transform different types of energy for their use. The organelles chloroplast and mitochondria are involved in a series of biochemical reactions that make this possible.

  1. The task:

In this WebQuest you will fin a list of questions that you need to answer correctly. For each question you will find an specific Internet address that you will have to visit to find out the proper information. Send your answer sheet (create a WORD document) to the address

  1. Process:

Instructions: Answer the following questions by going to the specific Internet address below each of the questions.

  • Questions:
  1. What is the structure of the ATP molecule. Comment about this molecule ability to store and release energy and include a diagram (picture) of the ATP, ADP and AMP molecules.

  1. What cell structures require ATP? (give some examples)

  1. What is meant by the word PHOTOSYNTHESIS?

  1. What happens during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

  1. What happens during the Calvin cycle in photosynthesis?

  1. Write the chemical formula for photosynthesis and explain it.

  1. What 3 steps are involved in cellular respiration?

  1. Where does glycolysis take place and what are the products obtain after it has happened?

  1. Where does the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) of cellular respiration take place and what are the products obtain after it has happened?

  1. What are all the products obtained after the electron transport chain of cellular respiration has happened?

  1. Write the chemical formula for Cellular respiration and explain it.

  1. Compare and contrast cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

  1. Evaluation
    You will be graded as follows: (rubric description):
    Ø Followed instructions precisely…………………………….20 points
    Ø Quality of writing…………………………………………….....20 points
    Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise
    and clear matter.…………………………………………...........20 points
    Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info……………………20 points
    Ø Completeness………………………………………………........20 points
    TOTAL of….........................................................100 points

  1. Conclusion:

By now you should now the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. You should know how this processes are interconnected to each other and their importance for living things and the Earth in general. Hope you found this information useful and that it helped you further understand the job of the mitochondria and the chloroplasts organelles.

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

WEB QUEST of cell organelles

  1. A WebQuest about cell organelles and structures

    q Introduction
    Every Organism is composed of one or more cells, and these cells are the basic unit of organization in all living things. All the processes of metabolism and heredity occur within these same cells.

    In this web quest you will learn about the different structures that conform the eukaryotic cell structures and their functions within the cell.

    q The Task
    In this WebQuest you will fin a list of questions that you need to answer correctly. For each question you will find an specific Internet address that you will have to visit to find out the proper information.

    q Process
    Instructions: Answer the following questions by going to the specific Internet address that is given in each one:

1. How does the structure of the phospholipid bilayer permits the cell to be selective?

2. How is chromatin different than chromosomes?

3. Compare the function of the nucleus of the cell with the one of the nucleolus and ribosomes.

4. What is the difference between the vacuoles of the plant cell to those present in the animal cell?

5. Compare and contrast the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum to the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum in structure and in function.

6. Describe the organelles in charged of the transformation of energy in the eukaryotic cell.

7. What is the function of the cytoskeleton?

8. What is the cell wall of the plant cell made of? (carbohydrates, protein, or lipids)?

9. Describe all functions of the following structures:
* Cilia
* Flagella

q Evaluation
You will be graded as follows: (rubric description):
Ø Followed instructions precisely…………………………….20 points
Ø Quality of writing…………………………………………….....20 points
Ø The question is answered correctly and in a concise
and clear matter.…………………………………………...........20 points
Ø Usage of Internet addresses and info……………………20 points
Ø Completeness………………………………………………........20 points
TOTAL of….........................................................100 points

q Conclusion
By now you should be able to understand the basic function of each of the cell’s organelles. Each one of this structures has a specific function, but also all of them work together to ensure that the cell can maintain suitable conditions for its survival, or in other words… complete its function and maintain homeostasis! I hope that you found this WebQuest activity useful to expand and reinforce your knowledge of how life works!

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

Types of soultions (Diffusion and Osmosis)

What is a Solution?

A solution is a combination of solute (a solid) that has been dissolved in a solvent (a liquid like water).

-There are three kinds of solutions:

a. isotonic solution - is a solution where the solute concentration of the solution that the cell is in is the same as the solute concentration of the cell's cytoplasm.b. hypotonic solution - is a solution where the solute concentration of the solution that the cell is in is lower than the solute concentration of a cell's cytoplasmc. hypertonic solution - is a solution where the solute concentration of the solution that the cell is in is higher than the solute concentration of a cell's cytoplasm3. What happens when cells are place in different kinds of solutions

a. Hypertonic solutions
The cells shrink or shrivel due to water leaving the cell. If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution (higher solute concentration outside the cell) water will leave the cell, the net movement of water is from the inside to the outside of the cell. If blood cells are placed in a salt solution, the cell will shrink or "crenate". When this occurs in a plant cell it is said to plasmolyze.

b. Hypotonic solutions

The cells will swell due to water entering the cell. If a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution (lower solute concentration outside the cell) water will enter the cell, the net movement of water is from the outside to the inside of the cell. If blood cells are placed in a distilled water solution, the will swell or burst. This is called hemolysis in blood cells and lysis in non blood cells. In plant cells it is called turgor pressure because the plant cell wall prevents the cell from bursting.

c. Isotonic solutions

When a cell is placed in a solution where the solute concentration is the same on both sides of the cell membrane, the cell will neither shrink nor swell. 0.9% sodium chloride (salt) is isotonic to blood cells.

Transport Across Membranes

Cell Transport

How material moves in and out of the cell ?

PASSIVE TRANSPORT (does not require energy)
a. Diffusion - Diffusion is the movement of molecules, other than water, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. No ATP energy is used. eg. Perfume filling a whole room. -Molecules move like this naturally, so no chemical or cellular energy is needed.

How does the size of molecules, temperature and concentration gradient affect diffusion?
- Size of the molecules, temperature, and the size of the concentration gradient affects the speed of diffusion. Large molecules diffuse slower that small ones, the greater the concentration difference the faster the rate of diffusion and increased temperature speeds up diffusion. The reason diffusion takes place faster is because of the increased number of collisions of the particles. When you heat up something the particles vibrate faster, collide more often and spread out faster. When the concentration is high, there is a greater number of particles in the solution. With a greater number of particles, there is a greater chance of collision and thus spreading out. Large molecules need more energy to begin moving and thus diffuse slower.-Lipid-soluble molecules can diffuse through the membrane easily. Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through easily. Water passes through easily even though it is lipid insoluble. (see protein lined pores)

b. Osmosis - Flow of water from a high concentration to a low concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. Ex. Water moving from the large intestine into the blood.

c. Facilitated transport - is also the movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration. Lipid insoluble substances such as glucose and amino acids are taken across by "carrier proteins". These carrier proteins are embedded in the plasma membrane and will pick up, carry and regulate the rate that specific molecules move into the cell. No chemical energy is required in this process .eg. amino acids, glucose and other breakdown products of food are absorbed by the small intestine.d. Active Transport - It is the movement of molecules across a living membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration with the aid of a carrier protein and using energy or ATP.
The diagram below represents the sodium/potassium pump a kind of active transport.

ACTIVE TRANSPORT (requires energy)
§ Two kinds of active transport:
1. Endocytosis - Surrounding a substance with the cell membrane and the subsequent formation of a vesicle to bring these substances into the cell. Energy is used.

There are two kinds of Endocytosis:

a. Phagocytosis - involves the ingestion of large food particles or cellular debris

b. Pinocytosis - involves the ingestion of fluids or dissolved particles.

2. Exocytosis - is the opposite of endocytosis. Materials are surrounded by a vesicle in the cytoplasm of the cell and released from the cell as the vesicle merges with the plasma membrane. Materials such as waste, useless cellular debris, or useful hormones for other cells are released in this manner. Energy is used.

Structure and Function of the Plasma Membrane

The Structure and Function of the Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a fluid mosaic of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. In this tutorial we will describe these three structures and how they function in the cell membrane. This topic provides another example of the relationship between structure and function.
The Structure of Lipids Lipids are the one class of large biological molecules that does not include polymers. They are grouped together because they share one important chemical property: they have little or no affinity for water. The hydrophobic behavior of lipids is based on their molecular structure. Although they may have some polar bonds associated with oxygen, lipids consist mostly of hydrocarbons. Smaller than true (polymeric) macromolecules, lipids are a highly varied group in both form and function, and include such things as waxes and certain pigments. In this tutorial we will focus on three classes of lipids: the fats, steroids, and phospholipids.